"If you want to hear God laugh, tell him about your plans."
Woody Allen
Our original plan was to depart Spokane on April 6th with all of us and all of our gear in the rented Chev Suburban. We expected a 6-day trip to Virginia Beach, followed by a month of preparation and rehearsal. We hoped to head north up the Chesapeake in mid-May.
Last week we began to explore the idea of a one-way RV rental to help us avoid motels and (some) restaurants on our journey. After a call to CruiseAmerica, this appeared to be a surprisingly reasonable value, compared to the Suburban option. With an RV that (allegedly) sleeps 7, we felt we could haul most of our goods, and ship the rest. And with the falling price of oil, we hoped the price of gas @ 10 mpg would not break us.
Alas, we have come to realize that, even if we made the journey and set sail on the Loop, most of the places we would get/need to visit will likely be closed. Bridges and locks are manned by government employees, who or may not be working. All of the wonderful marinas and restaurants our fellow Loopers rave about may be shuttered. And just imagine anchoring off the Statue of Liberty with a twilight view of a quarantined Manhattan. Starts to feel like a bad Kurt Russell movie. And us with no machine guns. Sheesh!
Last night, we decided to delay our departure by at least a month. We will use the additional time to refine our gear list, make further study of the route, remotely order some further work on the boat, and to monitor the coronavirus situation.
In closing, it seems apropos to dust off an old Spoonerism we employed so successfully during Wade's leukemia treatment so many years ago:
So sorry you have to delay, wise choice, we will look forward to hearing all about you journey's later on. Best of luck.