Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Prep, Volume 3

Can you hear me NOW?

If your household is demographically similar to ours, you know that the answer to most questions between partners is "What?".  Or maybe "%&##&WHAT#$%%&!!?". 

In this vein, another interesting piece of gear we have acquired is a set or Eartec UltraLite headsets,  Known in Looper circles as "Marriage Savers", these are wireless, intercom headsets that allow real-time communications between helmsman and deckhand while docking, locking thru, or anchoring.  No.  Yelling.  Required.   They even keep one ear free for the frantic honking of that ferryboat coming up behind you at 15 knots.  Best of all,  they are full-duplex, so you can continue to talk over each other and finish each other's sentences, just like at home.

Hat courtesy of Tim and Teri O'Rourke. 👍😁
A little spendy at $400 for the pair.  But WAY cheaper than all those flowers, cards, chocolates, and groveling apologies.  Not to mention jewelry,   Besides,  we saved so much on the bikes and the knives, right? 


  1. While I love these as an idea, I'm not certain I'd know how to be on a boat without yelling. Thats part of the fun! No, but seriously I think those are great and will be worth every penny.

  2. You know Lloyd and I use them, especially helpful when hosting a "boat load" of folks and docking. With a big smile a few "f☆☆k yous" fly and our guests never know it. Lol best 400 well spent.

  3. Seems like you don’t need a boat to appreciate those, are you practicing with them on dry land?
