Sunday, August 15, 2021

Angels Walk the Earth

 And We Met One!

The young man in this picture with Wade is an angel of God. 

His name is Tom McDonald.  He lives in Pickney, MI with his beautiful wife. Ellicette, and his two sons, Christopher and Anthony.  He is an RN at the Ann Arbor VA Hospital, serving in the in-patient mental health unit.  He drove his family 140 miles round trip to met us at the St Clair MetroBeach park.  On Christopher’s birthday, of all things. 

All that makes him out to be a pretty high-quality dude, doesn’t it.    Well, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet, bucko.

Tom is also Wade’s genetic sibling.  “Huh?” you say?  Well, Tom’s donated stem cells were transplanted into Wade’s bloodstream in 2010, curing Wade’s acute myeloid leukemia.   Tom’s bone marrow became Wade’s bone marrow.   Tom’s blood type became Wade’s blood type.  So, he and Wade are now more closely related than Wade is to his familial siblings. (Sadly, his hairline did not come across in the transplant.)

We became acquainted with Tom thru the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance several years ago and this trip presented the opportunity to meet in person for the first time.   Among other things, we learned that he only became a registered stem cell donor AFTER Wade’s initial diagnosis in 2009.   To us, that is just another sign of God’s hand in Wade’s treatment and recovery.   AMEN!

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  1. I loved this post. I love that you both connected and met. Thank you for sharing! 💕

  2. That is cool and I am very thankful for Christopher!!


  3. What a special and heartwarming story to wake up to! He is an angel and I am so happy he was your angel.

  4. Thank you Tom for helping out a friend who was in need! Dan

  5. What a special occasion indeed! As Jim and I know the gratitude to those willing to give a chance at life for others through stem cell donation! Blessings to you and your “brother”!

  6. That is fantastic, so happy that you got to meet him! He is an angel :)
    Thanks for keeping us updated! Kathy Main

  7. What a special meeting. I'm sure that was emotional for all of you. What a great man for doing that.

  8. Wow - a gift from God and another gift to get to meet this wonderful family! What a wonderful thing.

  9. What an incredible bond. Thank you Tom from Kathleen’s family.

  10. Thank you for sharing. What an incredible story!

    Cindy Christensen

  11. Oh, what a story! I am SO GLAD they Wade and Tom could meet. Yes, Tom has angel status for sure!!!!!

  12. That is so amazing! Praise God! I am so happy that you got to meet at long last!! A huge thank you to Tom and his family for this gift of life and love! He is indeed a blessing from God!!

  13. What a great post. So thankful for Tom!

  14. Neat that you met!
    Charlie McLauchlan
